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User:Dscos/Political viewpoints

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The following is a breakdown of the various political viewpoints held by blankfaze.

War and foreign policy issues

The War in Iraq and the subsequent occupation of the country OPPOSES1
The U.S.-led hunt for Osama bin Laden SUPPORTS
A possible U.S./U.N. intervention/peacekeeping mission to Darfur SUPPORTS
The extreme U.S. support of Israel, both financially and militarily OPPOSES2
The idea or theory that the United States has the right or duty
to engineer or execute regime changes


Reproductive rights (i.e. legalised abortion) SUPPORTS3
Equal rights for all citizens
(esp. the right for gays and lesbians to marry)
The legalisation of marijuana SUPPORTS4
Gun control SUPPORTS
The right to die SUPPORTS
Censorship, in any form OPPOSES

Taxation issues

Tax cuts for the wealthiest members of society (Bush-style) OPPOSES
Tax cuts and other benefits for corporations
that outsource American jobs

Health, welfare, and economic issues

Reform of the welfare system SUPPORTS
Raising the minimum wage OPPOSES6
Federal funding for stem cell research SUPPORTS
The privatisation of Social Security UNDECIDED

Educational and religious issues

Federal funding for school vouchers OPPOSES
The Federal No Child Left Behind Act OPPOSES
Required standardised testing for students OPPOSES
Organised prayer in public schools OPPOSES
Federal funding for religious charities SUPPORTS7
The removal of the words "under God"
from the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Ecological issues

Drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge OPPOSES
Mandatory clean air emissions standards SUPPORTS

Crime issues issues

Capital punishment SUPPORTS9
Generally stricter sentencing SUPPORTS10


  • 1 I believe the War and Occupation in Iraq to be morally wrong, and irresponsible. The benefits, in my opinion, do not merit the cost in American lives and U.S. dollars.
  • 2 In my opinion, Israel is a hate-spreading country whose government sanctions and executes terrorist actions, such as the occupations and attacks of Palestinian towns. Also, the "Israeli West Bank barrier" is, in my opinion, segregationist, hateful, and tantamount to the inhumanity of the Berlin Wall.
  • 3 I believe abortion should be legal, but only during the first trimester. I oppose abortions during the second and third trimesters, especially Partial-birth abortions.
  • 4 I also support the eventual and progressive legalisation or decriminalisation of most other controlled substances.
  • 5 I believe the USA PATRIOT Act to be in violation of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
  • 6 I don't see any reason why a burger-flipper should make $7 an hour. A $7 minimum wage would hurt the economy. It would lead to more outsourcing. It would have a disastrous effect on labour, in my opinion.
  • 7 As long as said charities offer the same services or benefits to all citizens, regardless of color, creed, sexual orientation, or any other discriminating factor.
  • 8 The notion of having the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag is, in my opinion, entirely ridiculous, because many Americans, including myself, to do not believe themselve to be "under" a God.
  • 9 And I think it should be more extreme. Someone that brutally murders someone shouldn't be treated to the gentle and painless death of lethal injection. And why are executions private? Murderers don't deserve a private death. They deserve a painful and public one. I'd support the return of hangings, the electric chair, firing squad, gas chambers, even beheadings. Why should murderers die gently?
  • 10 I think many sentences are too lenient. For instance, I would support the institution of the death penalty for rape. I would also favour stiffer penalties for DUI convictions.