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pulled out of User talk:DavidWBrooks so I don't have to wade through it ...

iridology stuff Jan 24 - Feb. 3, 2004


David, thank you anyway for properly crediting the mess you added to the iridology article. I cut-and-pasted the ''' and ''' things here for your use, if you can't read you key type anymore  : ) IMHO it's perhaps useful to spare you the extra effort to add the put anything here stuff.
Sincerely yours, irismeister 13:12, 2004 Jan 25 (UTC)

user:fabiform has been driven away from iridology by our mutual friend. Do you still check it ?

My dear David, user:fabiform has been driven away by his own choice. He is a grown up person, Wiki is not thought police, and editing is a competent, co-operative process. At least, user:fabiform has sense, politeness, culture, and fair play. If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then don't submit it here.. Also a bit of respect from you in the general direction of competence would be appreciated. Before you start crying on the shoulder of mylord Kenneth please do not neglect cousin Theresa. There is only one pattern outstanding on the iridology page - ignorance posing as obstinate arrogance, and mediation in lieu of articulation. Thank you ! Sincerely, irismeister 19:17, 2004 Jan 27 (UTC)

Wrong version, wrong reversion Kindly remind you too that we are into writing great Wiki articles, not talking in such an unprofessional way about psychology of our Wiki fellows like you did lately : ) Especially concerning one of your preferred editors... Not good! Na na ! I reported this editing activity of yours, ranting and villifying endlessly about qualified authors. The only pattern, David, I repeat, is that of ignorant editors stepping in, so self-important and busy as not to put a mirror in front of their nose, and see for themselves who edits what : ) I will NEVER get bored in search of truth, and if you my friend are going to disinform, put mediocre cut-and-paste (very badly copied) POVs and uncritical stuff (we can't properly call it judgement ) - than watch out - it's war ! David, stop reverting without reading - you always get back to the wrong version. Read what you revert, or cut, read the title in the history section, read the documentation in the talk page. Then use your common sense, training and experience if you cannot perform judgements. Please do not, repeat NOT obsessively push the revert button! You are always thrashing LOTS of my time in the process. Very carefully following you from now on, irismeister 21:36, 2004 Jan 27 (UTC)

Interested in good taste, Mr David ? My dear fella,
The quack, pseudoscientist and fellow editor (your bud irismeister) is back. Just a small note to issue a warm "thank you" for the kind...
Note on iridology ... if you look at the edit history you'll see there's an interesting (cough, cough) little pattern from one participant. I am currently waiting for him to finish his 10 or 20 or 30 edits in a row and then plan to revert most of them. It's gotten impossible to judge them all separately. DavidWBrooks 19:07, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
While you wait, take the opportunity to read something about what you are not competent enough to judge. While you finish coughing, rest assured I will now edit the given article one sentence at a time, to help fellow editors (like you) cope and adjust to the manners and habits of Wikipedia, the "free" encyclopedia : ) While you make more advanced planning, (without even caring for content) please feel free to revert to anything that matters, including good taste :) Sincerely, irismeister 10:21, 2004 Feb 3 (UTC)

The false editor syndrome Symptoms and Signs being polite is awfully annoying at times. - DavidWBrooks 16:56, 22 Jan 2004 (UTC) Politeness is a form of excess, mister David W Brooks. It is necessary. Excess of irrelevance is not necessary : ) "Eventually he'll get bored and go away. DavidWBrooks 15:58, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)"
Psychologists would be fascinated. DavidWBrooks 18:42, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
I find it particlaly strange... theresa knott 19:29, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
iridoligy has to be paid for by the patient. They might like an idea of how much.theresa knott 12:27, 2 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Comments The plague of terrestrial Israel has always been false, self-fulfilling prophecy, dear Ms Theresa Knott and mister David W Brooks! Look: "Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. " (Mt 24:11) "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1Jo 4:1). Now corroborate with this:
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." (Mt 7:15).
Sincerely, irismeister 13:07, 2004 Feb 3 (UTC)