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Hello... I am Daniel and this page just represents my feelings.

There is this girl I like. Her name is May, but I can not get up the courage to tell her. I know it makes me look bad, it's just that I am get so wrapped up in what she might say if she did not feel (in any way) the same as I do. I guess that I am so wrapped up in her beauty that I don’t notice anything else in the world. She is perfect in every way there is, a flower in the ruins of our broken earth.

I don't understand.

I’m a pacifist, never looking for a fight, but May, she is different. She has a strong personality, and an aggressive outlook on life. She does not take crap from anyone, but does not find herself drowning in the ever deep sea of self righteousness. It’s is this that I find beautiful about her and is what makes me want to be more like her. I have no spoken words to describe how I feel about her, but hopefully this post might help.

I don't know what I would ever do if she ever found this post. I most likely withdraw to my shell. Bottle up my emotions until all my torment tears away another piece of my soul. Yet, once again I sit here telling the world about my problems. I should be out there fixing them myself.

If only it was that easy.

I watch as the opportunities pass me by. She stands all but six feet away but it feels like a long mile. Yes, I always tell myself that today will be the day but when the chance reveals its head, it is to be cast away by my motionless demeanor.

May if you ever do see this page; please do not take any offense. If you want to be left alone, I will gladly do so. All I want is to see you happy. If I liking you take that away from you I will stop.

(Wow that was an interesting experience for me to write… but… it is true. You can think I am a weirdo for doing this, but at least I am being honest. It is either tell my feelings this way or never tell them at all. I don’t expect you to like me back. I have never had much luck with girls anyways. Just please tell me if I am being “creepy”, because I know how that feels to have a crazy person after me. Well ill just have to see how this turns out.

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