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I'm a Berlin web designer focusing on open standards, accessibility, open source technologies and unicode based internationalization of websites/server side programs.

I'm interested in anything webdesign/coding related: XHTML, CSS, PHP, Perl*, graphic design and typography - above all typography/commercial arts from the 20ies to 40ies, that is, art deco, futurism and constructivism.

It broke my silly heart that activestate.com switched their site's style from mock soviet agitprop (they called it industrialism - programming for the people was their motto) to something mild & neutral, when they began to mingle seriously with the Redmond beast and Sophos - for whom are they programming now?

...trivial? Yes, but sad.

*I love Perl, the Perl guys/dolls are definitely funnier when commenting code or flaming, but apparently PHP wins, can't help it - so I use PHP mostly.