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User talk:MichaelBarrymoore

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Michael Barrymoore became a comedy hero in the early ninties doing standup comedy for tv shows. This later bloomed into what could only be described as a busy television career. Presenting saturday night televison shows such as 'Im a celebrity get me out of here' his career moved into a more serious category as he soon broadcasted to the work that he was gay. After this embarrising announcement Barrymoores career began to fall after serious allegations of homosexual behaviour. However in the year 2000 Barrymoore was in serious trouble after a lover was found dead in his pool. Invstigations showed that Barrymoores partner had taken a drug overdose and drowned in the pool. After this investigation he was dropped by the BBC and has since been out of the media for good, apart from an embarrising drunken speach at an awards ceremony. It seems that Barrymoore has taken a similar path to John Lesslie who was taken to court over raping and sexually abusing the swedish beauty ulrika Johnson, through which he was cleared. Appearing in a Vanish advert in the 90s and with a busteling carrer in television he has now been reduced to a forgotten figure that people once knew.

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