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Administration of West Prussia before 1919

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The Administration of West Prussia before 1919 consisted of the following officials:

Danzig Region


Regional Presidents of Danzig - Regierungspräsidenten von Danzig

  • 1869–1876 — Paul Friedrich Heinrich Gustav von Diest
  • 1876–1878 — Franz Otto Theodor von Hoffmann
  • 1878–1879 — Heinrich Karl Julius von Achenbach
  • 1879–1880 — Karl Adolf August Ernst von Ernsthausen
  • 1881–1882 — Wilhelm A. Theodor von Wiendowski "von Saltzwedell"
  • 1883–1887 — Konrad Anton Robert Rothe
  • 1887–1890 — Adolf Eduard von Heppe
  • 1890–1902 — Friedrich Heinrich Ehrenreich
  • 1902–1902 — Hans von Holwede
  • 1902–1908 — Jaroslaw von Jarotzky
  • 1909–1918 — Lothar Foerster

Due to Treaty of Versailles of 1919 the Danzig Region ceased to exist and was ceded in 1920 to the Free City of Danzig, the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Prussian Province of East Prussia.[1]


  • 1853–1896 — ... Engler
  • 1896–1919 — ... Trüstedt

Danzig City County


Lord Mayors/Oberbürgermeister:

  • 1862–1890 — Leopold von Winter
  • 1891–1896 — Karl Adolf von Baumbach
  • 1896–1903 — Clemens G. Ernst Delbruck
  • 1903–1910 — Heinrich Otto Ehlers
  • 1910–1918 — Heinrich Scholtz
  • 1919–1920 — Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Martin Sahm


  • 1867–1887 - Archibald August von Gramatzki

In 1887, Kreis Danzig Land was divided into Danziger Höhe, Danziger Niederung and Dirschau.[citation needed]

Danziger Höhe County (created in 1887)



  • 1887–1904 — ... Maurach
  • 1904–1915 — Emil Venske
  • 1916–1919 — ... von Unger

Danziger Niederung County (created in 1887)



  • 1887–1895 — Archibald August von Gramatzki
  • 1895–1919 — ... Brandt

Dirschau County (created in 1876)



  • 1876–1887— ... von Sanden
  • 1887–1908 — ... Döhn
  • 1909–1919 — ... von Kries

Elbing-Land (Rural) County



  • 1868–1879 — ... Bax
  • 1879–1883 — ... Birkner
  • 1883–1888 — Eugen Karl Hugo Dippe
  • 1888–1907 — Rüdiger Etzdorf
  • 1907–1925 — Arthur Adolph Graf von Posadowski-Wehner, after 1919 only for the part that remained German[citation needed]


  • 1833–1851 — Georg Kaspar Otto von Kleist
  • 1875–1884 — Werner Freiherr von Schleinitz
  • 1885 — Ernst Ferdinand Julius Bruno von Schwichow*
  • 1885–1893 — ... von Krosigk
  • 1893–1901 — ... Keller
  • 1901–1910 — Gottfried Hagemann
  • 1911–1914 — ... Römhild
  • 1915–1919 — ... Simon


  • 1871–1877 — Gustav Gottfried Keil
  • 1877–1890 — ... Doehring
  • 1890–1895 — ... von Zander
  • 1895–1901 — ... von Glasennapp
  • 1901–1910 — ... Freiherr Senfft von Pilsach
  • 1910–1918 — Gottfried Hagemann
  • 1918–1920 — ... von Rönne*, since 1919 only for the part that remained German[citation needed]


  • 1868–1879 — Friedrich Eberhard Vormbaum
  • 1879–1881 — ... Wenzel*
  • 1881–1893 — ... Gumprecht
  • 1893–1907 — Robert Graf von Keyserlingk-Cammerau
  • 1907–1919 — Theodor Christian Traugott Graf von Baudissin

Marienwerder Region


Regional Presidents of Marienwerder - Regierungspräsidenten von Marienwerder

Due to Treaty of Versailles of 1919 the Marienwerder Region ceased to exist and its territory was ceded partially to the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Prussian Provinces of East Prussia and Posen-West Prussia.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Hassel, Georg (1819). Vollstandige und neueste Erdbeschreibung der Preussischen Monarchie und des Freistaates Krakaw (in German). Geographische Institut.