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Talk:Peter J. Schoomaker

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Dear Sir,

My husband was in the army back in 1971 when he was 18 years old, just get out of high school. He was shot two times once in the knee and once in the stomach. He has a lot of pain in his knee and has had problems with his stomach from day one. He is 100% disabled with Social Security and he has filed 2 are 3 time for 100% with the VA and hasn't gotten it from when he filed back in Oct.2004 and doesn't know anything. He came home from the army to get well and the sgt. said the paper work would follow along with his purple heart paper he didn't get any of them. He just get a ribbon to wear home. He was service connected at the time he came home but he didn't know it. The reason he didn't follow up with a doctors at the VA hospitl after he came home from the service is the he didn't know how. Some of his bowls were removed in the surgery. He has diarrhea 9 to 10 times a day because of it. He has been checked for agent orange and it was positive. He has had two strokes. He has diabetes. He is legally blind in one eye and the other eye is 20/30. He has had open heart surgery from congestive heart failure. He is very tierd all of the time and weak. He has recently been diagnosed with COPD, a lung diesease. He uses inhalors just so he can breath. He has to have hearing aids for both ears. He served our country and our county as a sherriff's deputy for 19 and 1/2 years. How many of our soilders don't know what kind of help they can get from the VA because the paperwork don't follow. And when they do find out about it no one wants to help them. He is 60% disabled with the VA, what is 40% more? I think he would qualify for more than that with his disablities. And no one can answer the questions of what all agent orange can do to you. I would appreciate any help you can give us in this matter. I stay at home and take care of him 24/7.

Thank You, Regina Pollard. kaynckay@charter.net reginapollard@yahoo.com 828-851-3418

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