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testosteron the man power.

  testosteron is the major male hormone secreted by th etestes. it has a major influnce on many tissues.it play an essential role in the embryonic development.testosterone also causes the skin to to becme rougher.the countity of of melianin in he skin also icreases ,makining the skin darker. testosteron increases the rate of secretion from the sebaceous gland ,especailly in the regoin of the face,freguently resulting near the time of puberty,testosetrone also causes hypertrophy of the larynx. the structual change can firdt result in a voice that's difficult to control.
   testosteron has a general stimulatory effect on metabolism so that male have a slighty higher metabolic rate than femal. the red blood cell count increase by 20% as a result of the effects of testosteron on erythropoietin production . testosetron also has a minor mineralocoticoid like effect , causing the retention of sodiun in the body and an icraese in the volume of body fluids. 
  testosteron promets protien synthesis in the most tissue of the body ; as a result ,skeletal muscle mass increas at puberty. the everage percent of the body wieght composed of skeletal is graeter for males than for females because of the effect of androgens.

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