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Straal is a member of Mensa International.

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French battleship Justice
Justice was a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the French Navy in the early 1900s. She was the second member of the Liberté class, which included three other vessels and was a derivative of the preceding République class. Justice carried a main battery of four 305 mm (12 in) guns, with ten 194 mm (7.6 in) guns for her secondary armament. On entering service, Justice became the flagship of the 2nd Division of the Mediterranean Squadron, participating in the training routine of squadron and fleet maneuvers and cruises, as well as several naval reviews. During World War I, Justice was used to escort troopship convoys carrying elements of the French Army from North Africa to face the Germans invading northern France and also steamed to contain the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the Adriatic Sea, taking part in the minor Battle of Antivari. She was sent to the Black Sea after the war to oversee the surrender of German-occupied Russian warships, and then briefly became a training ship, before being decommissioned in the early 1920s. This photograph shows Justice in 1909 near New York City.Photograph credit: Detroit Publishing Company; restored by Adam Cuerden

His contributions so far:

30 June 2010

14 July 2006

27 September 2005

17 September 2005

14 September 2005

8 September 2005

6 September 2005

2 September 2005

25 August 2005

24 August 2005

11 August 2005

25 May 2005

4 May 2005

9 April 2005

8 April 2005

7 April 2005

17 March 2005

Some signatures:
~~~|[[User_Talk:Straal|☺]] ~~~~~
Straal| 23:15, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)


Straal 23:15, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)

23:15, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)